Select Courses
PHIL 383/573: Reason and Belief in God
A survey of central issues arising from the question, "Is belief in God rational?" Topics include arguments concerning the existence of God, religious pluralism, natural science and religious belief, religious language, Reformed Epistemology, and cognitive science of religion.
PHIL 384/584: Suffering and Belief in God
An examination of key issues pertaining to suffering and belief in God. Topics include the problem of evil, arguments from suffering, original sin, everlasting suffering, divine providence, and suffering arising from patriarchy.
PHIL 470/570: Philosophy of Knowledge and Rational Belief
An exploration of some central issues in contemporary epistemology that equips students with tools for reflective, cogent, and critical analysis of these problems. Topics include the nature of rationality, knowledge, epistemic justification, evidence, religious epistemology, and scientific rationality.
PSYC 382/PHIL 382: Cognitive Science of Religion
An historical and thematic overview of the cognitive science of religion, introducing students to major figures, themes, methods, models, and results from the discipline. A major emphasis is understanding cognitive processes important for sustaining belief in supernatural agents, afterlife beliefs, prayer, and rituals. Students will also investigate the philosophical implications of the scientific data, connecting the cognitive science of religion to issues such as the rationality of religious belief and the lived experience of religious believers.
PSYC 384: Evolutionary Psychology
A thematic overview of evolutionary psychology, introducing students to applications of an evolutionary framework to various aspects of human thought and behavior. Topics surveyed include origins, sex, group cooperation, morality, religion, and cultural group selection. Students will also investigate broader social and philosophical implications of the scientific data, connecting evolutionary psychology to issues such as moral decision making and perspectives on the human person.